Children of the Watch: A Star Wars Aftershow

Best Star Wars Podacst

I have been listening since the beginning. My interest in Star Wars was revived with Mando and these guys have a concise, focused show that caters to a specific audience that is interested in the content, reacting, and speculating. Other podcasts get too far out in the weeds and talk about everything. Having news and updates as a quick opener is great for highlights without falling down a rabbit hole.

Also, lister voicemails makes me feel connected to the community. Other podcasts tend to be pretty insular and kind of selfish and pompous - these guys are down to earth, earnest and here to spread the joy of Star Wars. Not use it as a competition for who loves SW most.

June 6, 2022 by Silent Shade King on Apple Podcasts

Children of the Watch: A Star Wars Aftershow

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