Children of the Watch: A Star Wars Aftershow

Awesome podcast, but one thing

I love the podcast. They always have great insight and are super informative and really fun to listen to!

I just wanted to say one thing though. In the last episode, they talked about how they were expecting to get a whole bunch of 1 star reviews because they were telling people to respect other people, but I think that’s a little dismissive of how some people feel.

Obviously, this is in reference to what Gina Carano has been posting on social media, but if people get upset with you, I don’t think they are saying they disagree with “treat others with respect” and actually want people to be treated unequally. I think they are just upset that you’re equivocating what Gina has been tweeting as meaning “don’t treat certain people with respect.” If this is in reference to her transgender outlooks where she won’t post her pronouns in her bio, she clearly came out and said she supports trans people and their rights; she’s just not going to put her pronouns in there. (And she has come out saying she supports everyone’s choice to be whoever they want to be/do whatever they want to do) So I think things like that are just being misinterpreted to say she is disrespectful to other groups or is ___phobic.

I also think the podcast wasn’t able to actually talk about and enjoy the awesome Cara Dune parts because of this “biasness” too, which is totally your right, but at the same time, if you think about it, people on the other side of the aisle have to go through the same thing you guys do. Meaning, there are a ton of actors who are ultra liberal and say some pretty crazy stuff, but we watch them on tv all the time and choose to ignore it because that’s the way it has to go if we want to enjoy anything. But if someone else on the other side does that, all the of sudden no one can enjoy the work they do because their personal life is “too distracting.”

Needless to say, I just wanted to add a different perspective to the reason maybe people disagree with you, and hopefully you can see something in it worth taking away. But I respect that you kept it super respectful on the podcast. And I seriously love the podcast. I listen to it right when it comes out every week! Thanks for all the hard work. Sorry for the long message!

Nov. 21, 2020 by CarolineM. on Apple Podcasts

Children of the Watch: A Star Wars Aftershow

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