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Positivity and inclusion!
This podcast truly includes Star Wars fans from all backgrounds and knowledge levels. I am still new to the Star Wars universe, and they make learning about it so much fun.

Like talking with friends in your living room
I started listening at the start of the Obi-Wan series and immediately fell in love with listening to Alex and Mac. They’re literally just two dudes I feel like I’m bantering with as if they were sitting on my couch. Super chill and easy to listen. Highly recommend for lifelong Star Wars fans like me or if this is your first experience!

LOVE their positive attitudes!
I found them during the Kenobi series and plan to go back and listen to earlier shows. I listen to a variety of Star Wars podcasts but this has quickly become my favorite after-show.

Had to edit my previous review. You guys literally make my week. Your excitement is infectious. Your analysis of the stories is incredible. Keep it up.

This podcast made me a Star Wars fan again
Absolutely love this podcast! I had seen the original movies but hadn’t kept up with much other Star Wars content over the years until The Mandalorian premiered. My husband recommended this to supplement the show and it was the best decision. My attitude went from “Sure, I’ll give this a shot to help me understand the context of the story” to “I have to know what Alex and Mac think about this!” You’ve really brought us both back into the fandom and we look forward to the podcast every week. Would give more than 5 stars if I could!

Funniest podcast ever!!!!!!
I have been listening since Mando season two.and my second favorite part of every week (my favorite is new Star Wars shows whenever there is one) is listening to you two talk. When I started looking for Star Wars podcasts The first ones I saw were very negative and used a lot of swearwords what I really like about this podcast is that it is very positive and there are no swearwords. Definitely the best podcast I have ever listen to!

An entertaining and thoroughly enjoyable podcast!
I only discovered this podcast about a month ago.I just happened upon it and boy was I glad I did! I fell in love with these guys, so much so that I have been going backwards listening to their previous podcasts. They have such a positive attitude, even when there is something which they don’t quite agree, and they also are very knowledgeable about the Star Wars universe, and are very informative. These guys are such a breath of fresh air in a medium which others can be sarcastic and negative. I delight in learning more about the world of Star Wars from their point of view!

Great podcast
Been listening for a few months. Great show and balance of humor, technical knowledge and literary narrative. Good balance between the hosts. Keep em coming. PS- in your review of Mando Ch. 3, you nailed all the movie inspired scenes from westerns and otherwise. However, with the activation of the bounty hunter fobs you missed the real current reference to John Wick part 2 (end) and all of John Wick 3. The High-Table= the Guild and the predator becoming prey.

To Alex and Mac
You guy so fun to listen to and I fell asleep listening to you I love you guys😭😎I am a long time listener

Strong reviews 👍🏻
Appreciate the generally positive vibes here. So many Star Wars review pods and comments are negative. What’s the point of that? We’re fans, right? Let’s enjoy what they’re giving us! People went decades with no Star Wars content, I feel pretty lucky to be experiencing all of the new shows and stories. This review pod is as good as it gets.

Keep up the good work!
By far my favorite Star Wars pod. Accessible to a beginner in the SW fandom as well as hard core fans. Great stuff

The best show!
This show is the best Star Wars podcast out there! Mac and Alex are great hosts!

New Favorite Star Wars Podcast
I found this podcast from a recommendation from Apple Podcast, and I am so very thankful I did! It’s become my new favorite Star Wars podcast. Alex and Mac are so fun to listen to and I enjoy their take on all things Star Wars! Keep up the good work!!

Exceptional Pod
I stumbled on this looking for more Obi-Wan content and now I’m totally hooked. Love to hear the guys geek out and unashamedly share their love of all things Star Wars. I like their humble approach to the material, a surprise to be sure but a welcome one! The Obi-Wan shows have been super entertaining and have added to the whole experience for me. Going back through the archives now to listen to the older shows.

Best Stars Wars podcast, taking no prisoners
Alex & Mac are simply experts at breaking down all of the Star Wars series on Disney Plus and all of the Star Wars movies. They have great chemistry together and their enthusiasm really shines through as they give the recap of each scene. They take their time in explaining the different little intricacies of the Star Wars canon for all of the fans. I salute these 2 gentleman & recommendation all Star Wars fans check out their podcast. I want to tell Disney Plus that they should hire Alex & Mac and give these 2 gentleman their own Star Wars breakdown & recap show

Casual Fan turning hardcore?
I stumbled upon this podcast after the premier of Book of Boba Fett, and I am officially a super fan. As much as I anxiously await the new Star Wars live content, and I am equally exited for each recap and voicemail episode. I am not someone who has ever followed Star Wars beyond the movies and your breakdowns are insightful, and easy to understand. Sometimes Star Wars universe can be very smug to fans who do not follow the animated series, comic books, EU, etc but you guys approach it in a way that is open to all, which I greatly appreciate. Just joined the Patreon to go back to contest I missed, which will get me through the Summer. Thanks for all you continue to do to heighten my overall viewing experience!

Hello There
Mac and Alex kill it in this podcast. They bring a lighthearted approach to all things Star Wars television and will always leave you wanting more. A very positive and cheerful community has been built around this podcast, which is a very rare thing to find in the Star Wars fandom these days. Mac and Alex see the true point of Star Wars, which is to bring happiness to everyone who watches it, and they spread that message while also giving incredible breakdowns and background information in a manner which feels comfortable to both the hugest fans of Star Wars and fans who may be watching for the first time. This relaxed, happy, humble podcast is truly #1 in the galaxy. 5/5 stars

Such a great listen
These are my go to guys after every episode. I love there excitement about Star Wars. If your looking for a good podcast. This is it.

I honestly could listen to this podcast for days at a time. Their conversation never lags, is so funny and witty and I learn so much about the universe of Star Wars every time! It is truly such a joy to listen to every week and the voicemail episodes are also just as fun

Everything you want in a Star Wars podcast
These guys are great. They break down each scene in the episode and make connections to the entire Star Wars universe. I will say that one of the hosts is a bit too quick to “giggle” at the smallest of things. Other than that, good pod.

Best Star Wars podcast!
I look forward to these dudes talk as much as a new Disney plus episode. Great insight!

Best Star Wars podcast
Alex and Mac this is by far the BEST Star Wars podcast! Keep up the great work.

Good knowledge
I enjoy listening to them

Fun and upbeat podcast
I appreciate Alex and Mac’s positivity. Personally, I think true fans always look for the good, acknowledge disappointments, but always emphasize the good in Star Wars.

Always a fun listen
Thanks for doing the podcast, I’ve been listening for years. Always insightful, always makes me laugh. Bravo.

The BEST show
Love the positivity they exude. They give great details and theories on their scene by scene breakdowns. I love their voicemail episodes too!

Love these guys
I love this podcast, it really helps to listen after watching the shows, they give such good in depth info on characters and plot. Such a fun listen!

Recently found
I’m relatively new to this podcast but I’m already a regular listener. Most of the time, I don’t listen live, but that doesn’t matter much to me. I’ve been going back and listening to older episodes and enjoying them. I don’t always agree with them but that’s part of the fun. If you haven’t tried it yet, please do. I don’t think you’ll regret it!

Best Star Wars Podacst
I have been listening since the beginning. My interest in Star Wars was revived with Mando and these guys have a concise, focused show that caters to a specific audience that is interested in the content, reacting, and speculating. Other podcasts get too far out in the weeds and talk about everything. Having news and updates as a quick opener is great for highlights without falling down a rabbit hole. Also, lister voicemails makes me feel connected to the community. Other podcasts tend to be pretty insular and kind of selfish and pompous - these guys are down to earth, earnest and here to spread the joy of Star Wars. Not use it as a competition for who loves SW most.

Great Podcast
This is one of my favorite pods. Glorious nerdy, but accessible, even for a casual fan. And, for the more diehard fan, there’s lots of in-depth analysis and references to the EU. The chemistry between the hosts is great. Give them a listen!