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Season one withdrawal
Found your podcast after the last episode and went backwards. So informative and fun!

Only one complaint
I really enjoy this podcast but I do have one issue, although it’s not a big one. My issue is this: these guys are far too positive. I’m not sure if this trend continues as I am just listening to the fifth episode now. I understood when they were so excited after the first episode, but it feels like every episode one of them says, “Oh my gosh, this was my favorite episode yet.” Let’s be honest, our main character had zero character development in Chapter 5. Zero, zilch, nada. When there is only one main character (I don’t count Baby Yoda since he has no lines and doesn’t make his own decisions), you can’t go a full episode without exploring his motives, past, etc. This is just one example, but I think there are other parts of this show that definitely deserve to be critiqued. With that being said, I still really enjoy this podcast. They provide great backstory and context for each chapter and definitely catch stuff that I would have missed. Keep making these episodes and I’ll keep listening.

I’ve always loved Star Wars and this podcast has informed me so much about Mandalorians and their history while also making me laugh.

Best of the options but...
These guys do a great job of recapping the episodes. They have a lot of Star Wars knowledge. However, the podcast would be five stars for me if one of the hosts would IMDB or Google before recording. Just a bit more preparation would make it prefect for me. They miss a lot of stuff like cameo actors and the directors previous works. Also, the intro runs long. By episode 8, if people are new to the podcast... they should get an abbreviated intro. Other than that it’s a great show. I would recommend to a friend or enthusiast.

THE Best Mandalorian Podcast !!!!!
These guys are awesome and extremely knowledgeable. They have a deep knowledge of Star Wars and reviewed other Star Wars series episodes with Mandalorian references. Even with their deep knowledge they are very inclusive in bringing along folks with little or even no Star Wars knowledge. I really enjoyed all their episodes and loved the Clone Wars episodes “sponsor” spots :) I highly recommend everyone listen to their insights and coverage regardless of your existing level of knowledge in Star Wars lore. Keep The Watch! From Alex of Northern California - Team Alex

Love it
Just be getting into star wars and I love this podcast.

Love the detailed breakdown!
You guys are awesome. Even though I watch the Mandalorian episodes multiple times, you guys always point out some items I may have missed. I can’t wait for season 2 and more of your podcasts.

Perfect follow up
These guys provide a great follow up for every “Chapter” of The Mandalorian. Give good insight on things you might’ve missed and open it up for discussion with their hotline episodes. If you got the time they have history episodes that give you a background to Mandalorians. Keep up the good work guys.

👍 👍
Really enjoying the podcast, good job boys!

This is the perfect podcast for someone with just general knowledge of the Star Wars universe. You don’t have to be a huge Star Wars nerd to follow these guys. They lay it out clearly while being very interesting in the process. These guys are my jam!

Mandaliscious - I have spoken...
Just found you guys and love your podcast! Enjoy your banter. My names is neither Alex or Mac but hope I can wear your banner anyways. Keep up the good work!

Great podcast
Thank you! Your summary's are very informative and helpful.

Great podcast
This is the Mysterious Stranger, reviewing you. 10 out of 5 stars. Love it. Mack, I can sing along with every song that your band has. Love it. Also. This IS actually the person who you dubbed “The Mysterious Stranger”

I love it! I like hearing Mac and Alex’s opinions on different scenes which just doesn’t make it boring. Keep up the good work you two.

My favorite Mandalorian podcast
I listen to 3 different Mandalorian podcasts and this one is my favorite because the hosts are positive, knowledgeable, and explain things as they go. No fandom gatekeeping here.

I love this podcast!

Addicted to this Podcast
Never been a big fan of Star Wars. I watch with the husband. This podcast has me rewatching each chapter. Even considering watch the clone wars now that we have Disney +.

Entertaining and informative
This podcast is fantastic- fun to listen to and great commentary.

Educational and relaxed
I absolutely love listening to this podcast every week to learn more about The Mandalorian and StarWars in general. It’s like dropping in on a conversation with two friends every week. They both have great points on every episode!

Best Mando Podcast you’ll find!!
This show is incredible. They do an amazing job of being engaging as well as informative on the Star Wars Universe. Instead of jumping around like a lot of other podcasts, they have a structured approach to making sure they hit every high point of each episode. Give them a listen, you won’t be disappointed.

This is the way!
I’m an utter, shameless Star Wars fanboi and it does my heart good to listen to this podcast. It is tons of fun and and you both do a fantastic job! My hopes for The Mandalorian series itself are that IG-11 gets repaired and fights alongside our hero from time to time and that Boba Fett never makes an appearance. I love Pedro Pascal, but I don’t want the helmet to ever come off. He’s doing a perfect job with it on. I would be very happy if “Baby Yoda” stayed with him through the whole series. Keep up the outstanding work guys!!!

Great breakdown of each chapter!
Look forward to listening to their thoughts and insights about each chapter.

This is The Way!
Love this podcast!! It’s like sitting down with some friends and have a fun discussion about everything Mando!!

Fave Star Wars podcast ever!!!
Look forward to this one every week

Now THIS is podcasting!
This is a great show for any Star Wars fan. Alex and Mac keep it positive and fun as they break down all the details of each episode as well as adding their own insights and theories. They have a voicemail hotline you can call and they do episodes where they talk about the voicemails, really cool idea. I found this show around the time the first episode premiered and I’ve already gone back and listened to all their old episodes where they talked about Mandalorian related episodes of the clone wars and rebels. If you haven’t listened to the old episodes yet do yourself a favor! This is the way.

Great Mandalorian Podcast
I listen to a few Mando podcasts, but this is always my go-to show after watching the current chapter. They do great job explaining backstory for those who have not watched anything more than the movies.

Funny and knowledgeable
Fun to listen to and to hear there point of view on the show.

Mandatory Listening
Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni have given us some of the best Star Wars since the original trilogy. Like so many, come Fridays, The Mandalorian is mandatory. With what Alex and Matt are doing on this podcast, The Mandalorian Watch has now become mandatory listening for me after each week”s Mandalorian episode ends (and the long wait to the following Friday begins). The guys at The Mandalorian Watch are passionate, insightful and often times hilarious. They have not only enhanced my Mandalorian viewing experience, but have also helped ignite a deeper interest in the Star Wars universe. I was six years old in 1977 when I saw A New Hope in the theatre (several times). The original trilogy was a big part of my formative years. My generation always wanted more Star Wars, but were often disappointed with the results (I can still remember walking out after Phantom Menace shaking my head, hating it and wondering if the world had changed or if I had). The Mandalorian is a lifelong dream come true and I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing it with Alex and Mac at The Mandalorian Watch. Keep up the AMAZING work, gentlemen and if you’re new to the podcast and reading this review, just go and listen. It’s that good.

Office Favorite
Every week our office looks forward to a new episode. I love how you break down the episode and describe details you don’t always notice when watching. It feels like we are watching the episode all over again while we are working. Keep up the great work . We love it !