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Fun podcast
I’ve always been a casual Star Wars fan and started this podcast while watching the Mandalorian. Alex and Mac are great hosts, they always try to keep things positive and are generally just fun to listen to. I always look forward to their episodes coming out and now I’m looking to dive deeper into the Star Wars galaxy. If you want a good entry point for a Star Wars podcast, This is the way.

This is the way
Love the podcast can’t wait for the recaps for season 2 in October.

Better than a cup of Jawa Juice
Better than a cup of Jawa Juice on a hot Coruscanti morn! My only critique is that they don’t talk enough about that hottie—uh, I mean Satine. P.S. This isn’t me. Anakin totally took my comm-link and he’s posting embarrassing reviews under my name. —Diner Kenobi

Very enjoyable podcast!
I have always Star Wars fan but have never fully dove into all the story lines and different media besides the movies. Alex and Mac have brought a welcoming education for folks like me and make it enjoyable to learn about all things Mandalorian and Star Wars!

Thank you
Guys, thanks so much for this podcast. It’s getting me through quarantine.

Great Podcast
These guys are a lot of fun, very knowledgeable, just great overall.

Good stuff
Great Star Wars podcast!!

Bro. Pretty sweet
Being the founder of a Star Wars club at my school. I just want you to know that this is one of the best and most accurate podcasts that I’ve ever listened to. And there are many many fake Star Wars pod casts. Good job. May the Force be with you. Bridger Jones

Love it
The best podcast I have ever heard I love the death Watch and the Mandalorian From the mandalorian and I think the ameror is a zabrak

The best
This podcast rocks! I love all things the mandalorian and all things Star Wars. This podcast is my go to for everything The Mandalorian. I have spoken

Fav podcast
So happy I found Mando Watch, you guys are the best!! Super hyped for S2

Great podcast
Can’t say it can get better. Really fun and interesting content.

Fun and Approachable Show for All Star Wars Fans
This is one of the most fun, if not the most fun, Star Wars podcasts out there. Both hosts are extremely knowledgeable about their Star Wars lore and are among the biggest fans of all media (movies, tv, comics, novels, etc.). The thoughts and opinions range from plausible, with some theories coming to fruition, to absurdly fun. You feel like you’re part of the conversation as they talk through different theories and ideas of where the show will go and the potential ripples it will send through the Star Wars universe. The biggest selling point, for me at least, is how approachable both hosts make this show. Sure their are obscure references that only the hardcore fans would get, but the hosts take special care to explain all jokes, theories, or references do even the causal fan can be part of the fun. I feel as though so many people become protective over their fandom, they feel as though many casual fans are “unworthy” of Star Wars in general. It makes me happy to listen to two very devoted and knowledgeable fans, who genuinely want to share their love for Star Wars with the world. Thank y’all so much for such an excellent podcast.

I really love what you guys are doing!!!!!
Can I tell you this podcast along with the Mandalorian has totally revitalized my Star Wars Fandom. I love the energy, the tone and the content. Thank you for your dedication and time on this guys. Looking forward to being part of the tribe! May the Force be with as this is the Way!!!

Awesome for SW and Mandalorian Fans
Great Breakdown and Analysis of Each Episode

Hello there
This is a solid listen for SW fans

Great show
I really enjoyed the show. I have learned a lot from all the information provided. Keep up the good work.

I am obsessed with this pocast
They enhance the entire Mandalorian experience with their knowledge.

Hosts are great
I love this podcast. The hosts go into good detail without alienating causal fans and newbies. I highly recommend this to anyone who doesn’t want to sit through all the animated series (me) but still likes the background. Keep up the good work guys. Super approachable, not elitist fan war bs either.

Since the Mandalorian, I’ve been getting back into Star Wars. I’m a big fan of the original trilogy with the Empire Strikes Back being one of my all time favorite movies. The new movies are just ok. The Mandalorian though is awesome! I’m stoked that this podcast exists. The hosts have excellent dialogue with great insight into the characters. I’ve enjoyed listening on the way to work. I would love if they did a full Star Wars series podcast that goes through each movie (this may already exists and I just don’t know about it). Anyway, thank you for making the commute to work entertaining! -Pat, San Jose, CA

High Quality Analysis
I really enjoy listening to this Podcast. The high quality and depth of analysis has elevated my experience of watching Season 1 of The Mandalorian. The ‘Rewatch’ episodes of The Clone Wars and Rebels are super informative. I can’t wait for Season 2 to get here!

Filled Gaps caused by hearing disability
I have a hearing disability and I miss some of the dialogue in Mandalorian. Even with sub-titles there are gaps for me. The podcast fills in the blanks for me and I sound like a Mando genius to my grandkids. Thanks a lot.

Enthusiasm and detail
A friend sent me toward this podcast, and I'm so glad she did. I am a huge SW fan; I'm 50 and have been for a really long time, and it's so nice to find a podcast that is not only welcoming for newbs, but also detailed and engaging. I look forward to listening to more!

This IS the Mandalorian podcast you’re looking for!
Just discovered this podcast after the series wrapped. Such a great podcast! I love the genuine enthusiasm and love of Star Wars these guys bring to this podcast. If you like the Rebel Force Radio podcast you’ll like this podcast too. Great deep dive into each episode, plus so much more. Keep up the great content! - Kevin from Columbus, Ohio

Top notch
Salty haters need to go KICK ROCKS! This is exactly what I was hoping I would come across when searching “Mandalorian” on podcasts. 2 guys who love and know star wars with incredible analysis on each episode. Cant wait for more content from these guys. This is the WAY!

Love this podcast!
A+! The passion that the hosts have towards the Star Wars universe, especially the Mandalorian, makes the show ;) There is tons of information about the backstory that makes rewatching the series even better!

In-depth & Fun
I appreciate the insight and reactions to the shows. The accompanying call in shows are great too! Thanks for all your hard work guys!!

They do such a good job at making 1 and a half episodes feel like nothing. The humour is top tier. 10/10 would recommend

By fans,for fans
Excellent work fellas. This is the Way.

Great reviews and commentaries!
Awesome work guys, I have loved the reviews of the show and also the great history lessons as background info. The purity of your fandom is an inspiration. Keep it up, for this is the Way.