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Done with passion and humility
There’s a sincerity to the work done on this show. I enjoy listening and as a casual Star Wars fan the content is accessible. I am reviewing to preempt the the would be one star reviews of which I have not so nice things to say about, so I’ll refrain. Cheers everyone.

Last Stand
I stand for people and humanity.

Awesome podcast, but one thing
I love the podcast. They always have great insight and are super informative and really fun to listen to! I just wanted to say one thing though. In the last episode, they talked about how they were expecting to get a whole bunch of 1 star reviews because they were telling people to respect other people, but I think that’s a little dismissive of how some people feel. Obviously, this is in reference to what Gina Carano has been posting on social media, but if people get upset with you, I don’t think they are saying they disagree with “treat others with respect” and actually want people to be treated unequally. I think they are just upset that you’re equivocating what Gina has been tweeting as meaning “don’t treat certain people with respect.” If this is in reference to her transgender outlooks where she won’t post her pronouns in her bio, she clearly came out and said she supports trans people and their rights; she’s just not going to put her pronouns in there. (And she has come out saying she supports everyone’s choice to be whoever they want to be/do whatever they want to do) So I think things like that are just being misinterpreted to say she is disrespectful to other groups or is ___phobic. I also think the podcast wasn’t able to actually talk about and enjoy the awesome Cara Dune parts because of this “biasness” too, which is totally your right, but at the same time, if you think about it, people on the other side of the aisle have to go through the same thing you guys do. Meaning, there are a ton of actors who are ultra liberal and say some pretty crazy stuff, but we watch them on tv all the time and choose to ignore it because that’s the way it has to go if we want to enjoy anything. But if someone else on the other side does that, all the of sudden no one can enjoy the work they do because their personal life is “too distracting.” Needless to say, I just wanted to add a different perspective to the reason maybe people disagree with you, and hopefully you can see something in it worth taking away. But I respect that you kept it super respectful on the podcast. And I seriously love the podcast. I listen to it right when it comes out every week! Thanks for all the hard work. Sorry for the long message!

Hey guys love the pod. The latest episode you brought up Gina and what she has said in the real world. I understand why you may not like it, but I don’t like politics in Star Wars. I believe Star Wars is above it and has been until Disney took control of it. If you guys were going to mention what she said, you should have also presented the other side. The nasty things people have said to her. If everyone deserves to be treated with respect then why don’t you mention the people who are trying to ruin Gina? Just my honest critique. Still love the pod as I said earlier, keep up the good work.

Interesting insight
Great show, lots of Star Wars knowledge between the two, especially on older EU stuff

i like the show but..
... macaron and macaroons are two, entirely different things. Geebus you guys are really tearing into the Siege episode, what did they ever do to you?? lol Although, kudos for the 411 on Carano’s weird Republican lean in the media lately. Totally didn’t know anything about that. Such a shame, she’s a great character. One would have thought, of all people, she would be super understanding of the Trans community after all the crap she has gotten her entire life for being ‘too butch’ or ‘too masculine.’ I can assume that she has some self-hatred going on. Lol I’m sure she’ll get written off. *shoulder shrug*

Great But
If Star Wars is supposed to be an escape, why do you keep bringing up politics? The show is very good though

5 stars but leave political things out
Guys....I love your show and I love Star Wars. But for the love of God I was hoping you’d not be one of these podcasts that throws their social opinion in, especially referring to Gina Carano. If she’s not down with made up genders, then that’s her opinion, not the characters. If it bothers you to the point where it takes you out of the show, that’s on you because not everyone experienced that. Stick to talking about Star Wars. Not complicated social issues. Oh and btw, people earn respect by giving it as well, and Twitter lacks that sorely.

Great podcast- You guys missed something
This is a great podcast that I always look forward to listening to. A couple of things you missed from The Siege. You mention the handshake when Din and Greef see each other, but don’t reference that it’s a nod to Predator, when Dutch and Dillon do their handshake. Also, in the classroom the girl whispering to another kid has the same hairstyle as Rey in TROS. Wondering if that is a young Rey. Keep up the great work.

Great job connecting the casual to the EU
The guys do a great job of explaining things to the more casual fans who may not fully know everything about the extended Star Wars universe. When they make character references or talk about people/places from books, comics, or cartoons, they always pause to explain more. I really appreciate that!

love you guys, stay true to here you are, and here’s five stars for humanity and baby yoda (i’m convinced Disney forced them to change the generic crackers in the concept art into bright blue French macarons because MERCHANDISING!)

Listening to the most recent podcast. Thanks for standing up. I agree, it stinks to get pulled out of it for real world prejudices. Hopefully we can celebrate what makes SW so awesome - creativity and lots of different worlds, species, etc. I saw A New Hope in the theater as a little kid and have loved SW since then. Loving The Mandalorian and your podcast. Keep the Watch!

So fun and knowledgeable
Love these guys. They seem like super nice people to hang with, and their enthusiasm for the show and Star Wars universe is so charming.

Great pod
I really enjoy episode breakdowns and the theories from other listeners on the voicemail episodes. I even decided to join the Patreon

Great recap
It's been fun going down the rabbit hole of Star Wars with these two.

I love this podcast so much, I got it recommended to me from a friend (hi Maddy, if ur reading this) after we spent a good long time talking about the first or second episode of the mandalorian. Now, every time an episode of the mandalorian drops, I come straight here after I watch the episode. You guys are great, keep up the good work!! 👍

If you’re a Mando fan...
If you’re a Mando fan this podcast is for you! The best one I’ve found! You guys are great, informative, engaging and yes funny!

Glad I found
Found you guys when I started the second season. Love the show.

I’m obsessed
My nickname is Camdalorian (please don’t copyright me Disney 🥺) because I love the Mandalorian. Thank you for all of the theories. I love them.

This Podcast Is The Way
My wife and I listen to this after every episode and love every bit of it! We laugh with you guys and always learn something new about how everything ties together. Excellent job fellas!

I love mandalorian
Great content!!! Keep the watch!!! Btw excellent music

Awesome podcast
Massively entertaining with insights (some good, some from Mac) galore. Love listening. It makes me smile, which is pretty darn good in 2020! This is the way.

Great deep dive into The Mandalorian
I’ve really been enjoying this show! Both the hosts are fun to listen to.

The BEST Mandalorian show in the Galaxy!
I love this show! It is easy to listen to, and so informative. I drive an hour to and from work and it makes my drive so easy.

Awesome Podcast
Man I love this podcast. You guys are both pretty funny and I just love hearing your episode breakdowns and possible theories. Keep up the great work guys!!!

Best podcast
This is the first podcast I’ve ever listened to and they are great highly recommend these guys super informative and great personalities. Keep the watch

The best!
Super funny but also very informative and helpful in breaking down things I missed in the episode!

Really great podcast
As a true Star Wars fan I’m very pleased with the continent and the host of this podcast and I can also see as someone who is a casualty and would also enjoy this podcast!

Unlike any other Mandalorian podcast!
Just finished listening to your review of Chapter 1 of The Mandalorian. Great take! Great review! Even great audio! I’m all about clear strong crisp audio and y’all got it! Welcome to my Official Weekly Star Wars podcast list. Thank you!! #IHaveSpoken ✌️

Love this podcast!! I love the in depth breakdowns and explanations that I am not knowledgeable enough to know.